Friday, June 6, 2008

Black Sheep Bellydance

Put on your finger cymbals and get ready to let your inner child play! BlackSheep Bellydance took to the Goddess Stage for an amazing American Tribal Style Bellydance show. This style is based on group and solo improvisation using a set of practiced moves, but you'd never know it by watching the seemingly telepathic connection of this group. The costumes, the colors, the dance! Though I didn't recognize the songs used at this particular event, the group dances to the music of greats such as DJ Cheb I Sabbah who is performing at the Techno-Tribal bash on Saturday night.

I've taken the intro course with Seba and MJ, assisted by the level 2 and 3 gals; it is a life-changing experience. You will never meet a group of ladies so supporting of each other and sure of themselves. I have never felt so comfortable in my own skin and the exercise is great too! For more information on the troupe and the classes offered here in Sonoma County, visit:

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