Friday, June 6, 2008

Hopi Snake Ceremony with the Cousins from Hawaii

Radford, the Hopi Snake priest was called back home, but his adopted cousins from Hawaii filled his place. We became the snakes, our spines our consciousness twisting and writhing in accord with those around us.

There were two major messages that came out of this session. The first came through a Healing Ceremony where you are lead through the process of forgiving yourself and those in your life that need forgiveness. Letting go of the stress and the anger; filling the void with white light and love.

The second message came through a ceremony borrowed from the native Hawaiians; reminding ourselves of the connection that exists between us all. This came in a very physical sense; you touched your partner's heart, feel the rhythm of their breathing and the flow of the earth coming through your feet and out your upraised hands. Touch is something reserved in our society and generally frowned upon. This lack of physical connection allows our minds to forget the connections that run between us all.
Part of this connection is being here, now; aware of those around you and aware of yourself. Replaying the "old tapes" the negative memories causes a further disconnect and this is what we must try to avoid. So enjoy yourself, whether you're here at the Harmony Fest or at home. Enjoy yourself, enjoy your family, and remember to just be.

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