Friday, June 6, 2008

If Only Food Were Wireless

It flabbergasts me, this wireless world.

First, let me welcome you to the live blog coverage of the Harmony Festival. I do not know if there are web-cams, if you are at home at your laptop, or even watching yourself on your blackberry via live web-cam while reading about the festival you are currently attending. Should you be any of the aforementioned, look for me- I’m the guy who looks like a Pakistani Shel Silverstein, although I probably am wearing what appears to be a black dress sock on my head. Mosquitos, you know. I’m probably over by the press tent. Look, I’m waving now.

OK, I am ,quite frankly, full of it. It is 9:39 in the morning, and the festival doesn’t start for another 4 hours at least. Still, though, wireless is astounding- I’m writing this entry now as a test sequence to send to a man I’ve never met and only known to me as “Inflata-Bill” so that he may upload the entry via email to multiple-author blog he’s created, which will then feed directly- via RSS or Atom platform- directly to the Harmony Website, which you are ostensibly reading right now. Didn’t that sound fancy? I have no idea what I just said, but unless you are the ethereal and omnipotent Inflata-Bill, you will just have to take my word for it.

At any rate, I will likely be by the press tent, assuming they are providing free food. If not, find me over in the food court and say hello, chit chat, give me your opinions on the food, the festival, the music, the food, the people and the food. We’ll stick it up on the blog. You can even watch me type it. I’ll sit below a web cam and train it on the screen, so you can dial up the Harmony site and watch me type it via blackberry. Let us just hope when we close that wireless loop, we don’t accidentally sever off a chunk of the universe trained-in on itself, a HF parallel universe as it were. The festival promises to be heaps of fun, but if we do sever it apart from the natural space/time continuum, the food will eventually run out and we will have no where to empty the port-o-potties. See you there!

Super Das G AKA Mr. Bean

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