Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dr Solar and the Magical Playground

The kiddie area of the festival, the Magical Playground, hasn't gotten the attention it deserves in blogland. To be honest, I was cutting through looking for a bathroom that didn't have a billion people in line as Kat mentioned earlier. When I was cutting though I came across the scene in the image; loads of little kids crowded around a gypsy-style trailer. Well, technically it was a scene like five minutes before, but you get the idea. The reason for this crowd is Dr Solar and his "Good Time, Sunshine, Traveling Medicine Show". I haven't seen someone with a presence like his in a long time, let alone real life. So if you're tired of beer, not feeling the artist on the main stage, whatever, go check out the Magical Playground and maybe they'll let you join in on a craft session or two.

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